Feng Shui in Romania – Servicii consultanta

Feng Shui Romaia

Feng Shui in Romania – unde, cum si ce presupune

Sa incepem cu inceputul, prin a ne prezenta, noi suntem MOTY CONSULTING si oferim servicii de consultanta Feng Shui. Initiatorul proiectului este Alexandru Stanciu, Moty – life coach, business trainer si consultant feng shui!

In ceea ce priveste Feng Shui-ul, sistemul nostru de lucru este cel al Feng Shui-ului Traditional studiat si implementat in cadrul Mastery Academy Joey Yap din Malaezia. Printre maestri cu care Moty a fost onorat sa studieze in Asia se numara, Joey Yap – fondatorul Joey Yap Mastery Academy, cea mai mare academie de metafizica chineza din lume, Suyen Lim – de la SUYEN QMDJ Academy din Singapore, Hung Hoin Cheong – maestru Feng Shui in cadrul Joey Yap Mastery Academy.

Acum ca am facut cunostinta, haideti sa vedem ce este Feng Shui-ul?

Principala preocupare a Feng Shui-ului este analiza si utilizarea favorabila a qi-ului pozitiv. Cu alte cuvinte a energiei hranitoare, pozitive din mediul inconjurator. Directionarea Qi-ului prin diferite tehnici si remedii Feng Shui se realizeaza pentru sustinerea energetica a locatarului. Aceasta tehnica aduce efecte benefice asupra starii de sanatate, a starii de bine, a puterii de actiune si manifestare. Pe scurt, Feng Shui-ul sustine maximizarea rezultatelor dorite de locatar!

Tinandu-se cont de mediul exterior, se alege un teren propice, o pozitionare a casei specifice, favorabile locatarilor si se aseaza corect zonele interioare ale casei. Cand vorbim de zonele de interes din interiorul casei, ne gandim la spatiile in care petrecem cel mai mult tmp cum ar fi, bucataria, dormitoarele, biroul. In Feng Shui-ul traditional tinem cont de 4 elemente:

  • Mediul Exterior – tot ce se afla in afara cladirii existente sau viitoare
  • Mediul Interior – tot ce se afla in interiorul locatiei
  • Locatarii – Se analizeaza cum acestia sunt influentati energetic de locuinta aleasa
  • Timming-ul – Datele in care se aplica formulele si remediile Feng Shui traditionale

Astfel, un proiect Feng Shui este complex si personalizat in acord cu nevoile locatarilor.

Acum ca sti  ca Feng Shui-ul este disponibil si in Romania, daca esti interesat de o evaluare, ne poti contacta – iata detalii aici!



Coach, Trainer, Speaker

 I am Alexandru Stanciu, otherwise known as Moty, and I am life-coach, business-trainer, motivational speaker and Chinese metaphysics consultant! I have been studying these fields since 2012 and seeing how personal development, financial analysis and metaphysical sciences have radically changed my life for the better, I have decided to share this knowledge further with people who want a change in their life too!
 The path of my life - From the art scene to the life scene !
I consider myself a seeker, my curiosity and my need to understand brought me to the point where I am today.
My journey sounds like this:
ARTIST - EVENT PLANNER - BUSINESSMAN - COACH and I feel that I have reached the right point in my life, where I have the opportunity every day to work with all kinds of people, to help them to evolve and with each interaction to evolve as well!

Personal Development and Productivity @Landmark Forum London
Team Management @Landmark Forum London
Personal development @Silva Method
Photo Reading, Productivity Course @Connie Larkin
Business Performance Course @Connie Larkin
Efficiency and leadership course @Connie Larkin
Business - How to grow your business @Lorand Soares Sasz
FENG Shui - Tools of Titans @ Joey Yap Academy Malaysia
FENG Shui - Mastery in Feng Shui @ Joey Yap Academy Malaysia
Mian Xiang / Face Reading I & II Mastery @ Nancy Yeoh Malaysia
Qi Men Dun Jia - Date Selection @Risvan Rusu
Qi Men Dun Jia Destiny Analysis @Risvan Rusu
Qi Men Dun Jia Feng Shui Practitioner @Risvan Rusu
Chinese Metaphysics for Love & Sex @Risvan Rusu
Chinese Metaphysics for Spiritual Development @Risvan Rusu
San Yuan Xuan Kong Da Gua @Risvan Rusu
The Art of Super Coaching @Risvan Rusu
Profiling & Conversational Hypnosis @Risvan Rusu
Introduction to Shamanism @Aurel Mocanu
INCASA Energy Medicine @Vasile Sturzu
Numerology modules 1 and 2 @Anatol Basarab

The so-called miracles happen in our minds, when we overcome a blockage, that moment when anything is possible! This is not a miracle, it is the result of your work, so I invite you to know this more often!
I also have my blockages so we are together in this mission, let's do everything possible, step by step, with work, desire and presence.

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