We offer several categories of 1 on 1 consulting sessions to respond as efficiently as possible to your needs! You can choose the option that suits you best:

☑ Life-Coaching

☑ Emotional – Energy Therapy

☑ Business Consulting

☑ Chinese Metaphysics – BAZI Consulting (Chinese Astrology)

☑ Chinese Metaphysics – ZERI Consulting (the art of selecting favorable dates for certain types of activities according to the BAZI personal map);

☑ Chinese Metaphysics – FENG SHUI Consulting (The space energy analysis)

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Emotional-Energetic Consulting

LIFE-COACHING represents the analysis of your life situation, starting from the problems signaled from the perspective of the aspects that do not work in your life as you would like, situations that generate frustration, the feeling of blockage, stagnation, trauma, unhappiness ! This type of consulting is structured in a package consisting of 4 sessions, which will aim to find the cause of the problem and the solutions that can be practiced through mental, emotional and energy therapy techniques.

Here are some examples of situations: problems in the couple’s relationship, problems in the career, problems related to your relationship with yourself / self-esteem / anxiety /, imbalance, sexual problems, problems in the family relationship with the children or parents.

MOTY, Alexandru Stanciu – Consultant, trainer & coach

Package of 4 individual consulting sessions

Session duration: 60- 90 min

Price: 125 euro/ session – Total package price 500euro!

The frequency of meetings is established by mutual agreement!

Moty Consultant

Business Consulting

BUSINESS consulting represents the analysis of the situation of your business from 2 perspectives:

1. Technical perspective: work structure, staff, communication and relationship, strategy and profit!

2. Emotional-energetic perspective: Analysis and solution of emotional-energetic blockages that affect the company’s prosperity, produce stagnation or create the context of repetitive problems!

Applicability: senior business, start-up business, future entrepreneurs.

MOTY, Alexandru Stanciu – Consultant, trainer & coach

Sesion 1 – 1200 lei/ 250 € – analysis session

Duration: 90-120 min.


Session 2-5 – 950 lei/ 200 €/ session

Duration: 90 de min


Total price – 5000 lei / 1050 €

BAZI 2021 Consulting

BAZI 2021 consulting is the analysis of the trends of the year on the personal map of destiny!

You will find out when and how to act in your advantage, discovering the periods in which you are energetically supported and the periods that come with challenges – detailed on the aspects of your life where they will manifest – career / family / relationships / health.

MOTY, Alexandru Stanciu – Consultant, trainer & coach

Session duration: 45 min

Price per session: 125 euro


Chinese Astrology Consulting – BAZI represents the analysis of the natal chart, the BAZI map, from the perspective of Chinese Metaphysics! You will receive answers and tips to 10 questions about what is a priority in your life!

In order to participate in such a session, you will have to send your list of questions, to which you are looking for an answer at least 48 hours before the session, and during the session, following the personalized analysis of your map, in terms of your questions, you will receive answers, tips and guidance!

MOTY, Alexandru Stanciu – Consultant, trainer & coach

Session duration: 45 min

Price per session: 125 euro

ZERI Consulting – Date Selection

ZERI – DATE SELECTION is the science of selecting favorable data for different types of important activities! Analyzing the energy of the year, the month and the day according to the personal Bazi map, you will know the day and hour favorable to you for the activity you want to accomplish successfully.

Example of activities, actions for which data selection is used: Signing an important contract: business contract, employment contract, sale – purchase of land, real estate / Marriage data, baptism, cesarean birth / Data for various operations / Data for opening company / Data for launching marketing-promotion campaigns / Data for launching new products, services.

MOTY, Alexandru Stanciu – Consultant, trainer & coach

The price varies between 120 euro and 1000 euro depending on the type of request!

FENG SHUI Consulting

FENG SHUI consulting represents the analysis and harmonization of the space accordingly to the way in which the energy supports you or your family, your employees, and is made up of 2 stages:

Stage 1 – General location analysis / measurements

Stage 2 – The Feng Shui project – offering solutions, remedies and their implementation on location

Feng Shui applicability: Houses, Apartments, Offices, Commercial Spaces and Buildings under construction!

MOTY, Alexandru Stanciu – Consultant, trainer & coach

Etapa 1 - Feng Shui Assessment (Analysis and measurements)

Starting from 200 euro or 400 euro outside Bucharest & Ilfov / location (+ team travel costs outside Bucharest & Ilfov)


Etapa 2 -Feng Shui Solutions (The creation and implementation of Feng Shui) project
Starting from 1000 euro – Depending of the surface and complexity of the location, the price differs!

Schedule your appointment:

  1. To schedule an individual consulting session, please fill in the category below!
  2. After completing this form, you will be contacted within a maximum of 48 hours to confirm and set the meeting date!
  3. If you cancel an appointment in less than 24 hours, you will pay half of the cost of the session.
  4. If you cancel an appointment at least 24 hours in advance, the cancellation is free of charge!


Please fill in this form to schedule your appointment, and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Thank you for your interest!

MOTY, Alexandru Stanciu – Consultant, trainer & coach
